Northern Health School

School for students with health issues


Te Puna Whakatipu

A place to grow and thrive


Northern Health School

School for students with health issues


Te Puna Whakatipu

A place to grow and thrive

Term 4 teacher only days for Northern Health School units

Tuesday 29 October 2024
Wednesday 30 October 2024
Far North
Thursday 31 October 2024
Waikato South
South Auckland
Thursday 14 November 2024
Auckland North
Wilson Unit
Friday 15 November 2024
Auckland West
Auckland Central
Haumaru Ōrite
Ronald McDonald

A nurturing school for students with health issues

It can be a worrying time when your child is forced to miss school due to illness or accident, however we at the Northern Health School can help.

We are one of three New Zealand health schools providing community and hospital based teaching to school aged students who are too unwell to attend their regular school.

Tailored Programmes

We pride ourselves on providing individualised programmes tailored to meet the health and education needs of our students.

Globally Unique

This integrated service is, we believe, unique in the world and allows our teachers to provide a seamless service to each student.

Close Relationships

We have a close relationship with each of the other two health schools which makes the service we offer a national one.


NAG1 – Curriculum

NAG1 – Assessment
NAG1 – Assessment for National Qualifications
NAG1 – STAR Funding

NAG2 – Documentation and Self Review

NAG2 – Reporting to Families, Schools of Origin and other Agencies

NAG3 – Personnel

Allocation of Classroom Release Time
Allocation of Management Units
NAG3 – Discretionary Leave
NAG3 – Domestic Violence Leave
Equal Employment Opportunity
Ethical Behaviour
Financial Assistance for Tertiary Study
NAG3 – Incidental Private Use of a School Vehicle by Principal
Online Learning
Online Safety
Performance Management
NAG3 – Privacy
NAG3 – Protected Disclosures
NAG3 – Smoke Free
NAG3 – Staff and Board of Trustees Travel and Accomodation

NAG4 – Finance and Property

Credit Card
NAG4 – Financial Management
Fixed Assets
Fraud and Theft Prevention
Property Management
NAG4 – Sensitive Expenditure
Vehicle Purchase and Sale

NAG5 – Health and Safety

NAG5 – Child and Youth Protection
NAG5 – Health and Safety
NAG5 – Healthy Foods and Beverages
NAG5 – Induction, Training and Information
NAG5 – Infection Control
NAG5 – Others in the Workplace
Pandemic Epidemic
Personal Protective Equipment
Restraint and Seclusion
Reducing Student Distress
Safe Driving
NAG5 – Student Disclosures
NAG5 – Transporting Students
NAG5 – Traumatic Incident Response
Welfare of Animals

NAG6 – General Legislation

NAG6 – Administration
Board Meeting
NAG6 – Professional Growth Cycle of the Principal
Tiriti o Waitangi


Schedule of Delegations 2024
Away for the session mobile phone rules 2024


Commitment to learning and the learner.
Compassion inherent in all that we do.
Achievement through setting and achieving learner-centered goals.
Respect for culture, diversity and each other.
Equity of opportunity for all learners.


Tō mātou whanonga pono -Values
Te Mānawanui – Commitment to learning and the learner
Ngākau Aroha – Compassion inherent in all that we do
Mana Tutuki – Achievement through setting and achieving learner centred goals
Ngākau Whakaute – Respect for Tangata Whenua, Te Tiriti, culture and diversity
Mana Taurite – Equity of opportunity for all learners

Our Purpose – Tā Mātou Kaupapa

The learner is the reason and the focus of all we do.
Every learner receives an education, no matter what their health condition is, where they live, or their aspirations.
The learners’ voices and choices are central to everything.
High quality staff deliver consistency and cohesiveness across the school.

Vision and Mission Statement

Latest ERO Report

Northern Health School Board Response to the Review

The Northern Health School Board are happy to share the results of the last Education Review Office review with our community.  The review highlights a number of very positive areas of performance, which is pleasing and highlights the way our staff work hard to support students and to meet their needs through individualised programmes of work.

By the end of 2020, we had 1262 students enrolled and learning at our school, across 18 sites.

The review comments positively on the way the school is working to develop links with local communities including local Iwi.  This is an area that the Board has prioritised, along with working to increase the skills and capabilities of our staff and ourselves.  Developments in this area include Beyond Diversity training for all staff and Te Tiriti o Waitangi training for the Board, which led to the adoption of a  Te Tiriti Policy for the school.

It is pleasing to see the comments about developments in the area of wellbeing.  The work our staff undertake makes this a very important area and this is also included in our charter goals.

The Board continue to ensure that the principal’s performance appraisal is completed in a timely manner and have changed their practice to include external contractors in this area each year.  The Board have also, updated the policies mentioned in the report as part of their regular policy review cycle.  The Board feel confident that they have a sound complaints policy framework and meeting procedure in place.

The school continues to work on ways of reporting on student progress.  This has always been a challenge for our school, as the average time on the roll is 6 months, with many students on the roll for relatively short periods of time. We don’t have groups of students moving from one year level to the next.

The school is working to implement the Learning Progressions Framework as a tool for both tracking student progress and looking at trends across time, ethnicity, gender and health conditions.  This work is already providing more detailed information for a larger number of students than previously.

The Board are confident that the school is providing a high level of support for students and their whanau and that there is a strong focus on reflection and improvement.

Richard Winder
Northern Health School

We would like to give special thanks and acknowledge the following organisations for their interest in our school and kind donations

Morrinsville Combined Lions’ Clubs
